Monday, April 25, 2011


Cascarones are confetti-filled eggs that you crack on peoples' heads in the time of Easter. Many people think they come from Latin America, but they really originate in China. When Marco Polo brought them to Italy, they were filled with perfumed powder and given as gifts. They were brought from Italy to Spain to Mexico, where the powder was replaced with confetti. The Spanish word for eggshell is cáscara, which names the eggs. It is said that having a confetti egg cracked over your head means good luck, so eggs are sometimes cracked on special occasions such as birthdays and weddings (where they may be filled with bird seed).

Cascarones are made by hollowing out the egg and stuffing it with confetti. First, you take a paring knife and make a small hole in the egg. After rinsing it out and letting it dry, the shells are dyed and decorated. The egg is filled with confetti and covered with paper. If you don't want to make the eggs, you can often buy them at roadside stands or grocery stores in the time of Easter. Hide the eggs and hunt for them, or just sneak up on a friend and smash one (gently) on their head. It's a great way to celebrate Easter!

Cascarones, in all of their colorful glory

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Lexeme* to Bamboozle** your friends.

Today, Dearest readers, I feel the need to amplify your english lexeme. Of course, please use these wisely. Definitions, pronunciation and the like come from Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, which is one of my favorite lexicons.
So, without farther babble on my part, so words for you:

1) ruritanian [roor-i-tey-nee-uhn] adj. noun
 a mythical, romantic kingdom conceived as the setting for a fairy tale,drama, comic opera, etc.; any  small, little-known country or region considered remote, backward, or exotic.
It was a ruritanian novel, and reminded Ariel of childhood tales.

2) Estival [es-tuh-vuhl] adj.
pertaining to summer; of or occurring in summer
Ms. Young’s dress is quite estival today.

3) Frivolous [friv-uh-luhs] adj.
characterized by lack of seriousness or sense; lacking any serious purpose.
The decor in her house was frivolous.

5)inane: [in-an] adj.
lacking substance, meaning or point
Twilight fan’s antics are inane.

6)abhorrent: [ab-hor-en(t)] adj.
causing disgust, hatred, etc.; detestable
The way the budget is being handled is quite abhorrent.

7)dissemination: [dis-em-e-na-tion] noun
to spread abroad as though sowing seed (~ ideas); To disperse through out; to spread     widely
The dissemination of the black plague was quite fast.

8)ambiguous: [am-big-yu-wes] adj
doubtful o uncertain; capable of being understood in two or  more possible senses.
The projects for SciTech are always ambiguous at the beginning.

9) bestial: [ bes(h)-chel] adj;
of or relating to beasts; resembling a beast; lacking intelligence or  reason; marked by base or inhuman instincts or desires.
We must quell our more bestial impulses and find the common ground.

10 ) begets: [bi-get] verb transitive
to produce as an effect
Violence does not beget peace, no matter which way you look at it.

Today's Words were provided by the letters A and B, and by the number 12.

*[lek-seem] a word or base; a vocabulary item
**[bam-boo-zuhl]  to perplex; mystify