Friday, April 8, 2011

Japanese Schools

Well, I am writing a feature story about a Japanese exchange student at our school. I thought it might be interesting to know a bit more about Japanese schools and school life.

Though most schools in Japan (over 95%) are public, many require that students wear uniforms. Schools in Japan are generally more strict about rules and learning than in America. Classes study toward a major exam at the end of the year. Athletics and clubs are very popular in Japan, with students usually being a member of at least one. Lunch is eaten in the classroom, and can be bought or brought (bento is a traditional japanese lunch box). The students have to clean their own classrooms. They sweep, scrub the floor and clean the erasers. When entering the school, students must take off their shoes and put on indoor shoes, to keep the floors clean. The school year actually begins in April, with several breaks in between. High school, or similar schools, aren't required but most students attend them anyway. Elementary school tends to focus on organized, group activities, such as art and music. Middle school often focuses on getting into a good high school.

Sofie (^_^)

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